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Project "Raw"

This is a project of mine involving some old family photos I found around the house and trasforming them into something else using the collage technique.

The idea behind the collages has nothing to do with the personal story behind the people 

caught on the photographs, my plan was to use these photographs to send a social message that is as contemporary now as it was when these pictures were taken. 

-my studio and my desk space-

I like to surround myself with objects that inspire me and I put alot of effort in creating the perfect working space that will mold with my personality and needs.


I always carry one with me and make use of it anytime I see something interesting or worth remembering.

Other works and projects

- please click on the images to enter the gallery -

Product Design and 




Here are some T-Shit designs that I made using my own drawings along some business card concepts.

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